Is studying becoming difficult because you can't seem to maintain concentration or you feel as though you have lost the ability to memorize? Then you may be suffering from cognitive deficiency. The brain needs to be maintained for optimum performance and just like a machine it needs to be regularly oiled.
Cognitive deficiency, although extremely frustrating, is not a highly dangerous condition and it is also usually temporary but you can quickly solve it by using nutritional supplements. It is a widely held belief that all you really need is a balanced diet and this would provide you with all the nutrients you need. But newer studies are proving that people should not rely on a good diet alone, since it does not provide enough nutrients to support your brain and body's activities.
Brain supplements provide the needed nutrition for the brain so that it would perform at its optimum level. You can actually get the nutrients in these supplements from the food which you regularly eat. Supplements strengthen brain functions by providing essential elements needed for optimum functioning.
Today, there are a handful of unique ingredients discovered and found out to have distinct neuroprotective properties. A good example would be Apoaequorin which is harvested from glowing jellyfish and was discovered in the year 1962. A compound that binds with the calcium ions of the human nervous system was found in these glowing jellyfish.
At first, the body produces enough calcium binding proteins which protect cells from calcium overload but as each individual progress into their thirties the production lessens. Prevagen ingredients contain Apoaequorin and it is the brain supplement that many health experts are recommending. The drug is safe to use and does not react negatively with other herbs or nutritional supplements.
Nerve cells are prone to calcium overload and Apoaequorin works by regulating the process itself to maintain the optimum performance of these cells. With 10 mg of Apoaequorin in each tablet, it can effectively decrease cell damage by acting on the calcium in nerve cells. As people age the body supplies less and less of this basic calcium binding protein.
Furthermore, this supplement eventually restores balance in the body and also treats memory problems that many people battle with as they age. The human body produces calcium binding proteins and Apoaequorin closely resembles this compound in form and in function. It also has the ability to boost the production of protective proteins which is another thing that diminishes with age.
Tests run in the lab prove that the supplement was able to protect 50 percent of cells from expiring due to calcium toxicity. You can elevate your brain health with this supplement which regenerates and protects nerve cells. Having established these facts, it is also safe to say that boosting brain health and function improves the body's general performance.
As people age, it is inevitable for the cells to change. With brain cells, calcium binding protein production gets hindered. The resulting increase of calcium ions interfere with the brain's learning functions on cognition and memory.
The dilemma is that no food sources provide these calcium binding proteins. Even large servings of fruit or vegetables can't provide a significant increase in calcium binding proteins. Only Prevagen has the calcium-binding protein that is needed for brain cell protection. Read reviews about Prevagen. See my latest post.